International School of Management and Technical Studies is a part of BSBT. BSBT formed by the people coming from various industries and academics with a vision and commitment to deliver the best possible global management and technical education. ISMTS is a unique and value based institution founded by a dynamic leader Dr.Joesph Obi & Major Ashok D. with a mission to impart value based higher education to everyone in very nominal fees so that no individual suffers from being low literate or less educated just because of high fees required for professional education.
Offered Programs Master Degree | Post Graduation | Graduation Degree | Diploma | Certification
ISMTS aims to help our students fulfill their talents – and reap the career rewards. Apart from meeting the industrial needs and standards, the institution aims to develop potential tomorrows executives today. We offer high quality, professional education using online and print-based learning resources. Course instruction centers on resources developed by a team of subject matter experts and enhanced by qualified tutors in a supportive distance learning environment. ISMTS is home to some of the most challenging, most rewarding Business and Technical Education in the world. Our courses are designed around you. Wherever you may be, whenever you're able to study, you'll find our courses and Certificate Programs. Created to meet the unique demands of the international business world, our Programs are studied by ambitious executives from across the globe.
Course Curriculum of ISMTS aims at excellence, openness, flexibility, and innovation. Flexible learning means our students can start courses throughout the year, and study at home, work, or wherever they find themselves. We encourage you to achieve your personal learning goals. Academic standards are set and maintained in the assessment process through the approval of Programs, periodic review and the use of external examiners and independent academic peers from other institutions.
Affiliation and Accreditation
Our academic quality meets international standard, followed by top collage and open universities. Our Diploma/Degree/ Certification programs, courses content, delivering methods and our structure is approved by International Accreditation Organization (IAO) an international agency working to enhance the standards of education for working adults. It operates worldwide, granting educational accreditation upon evaluation to institutions involved in education for working adults under International Education Accreditation Commission (IEAC) the pioneering organization devoted to the establishment, maintenance and improvement of standards of accreditation agencies across the globe.
ISMTS courses are affiliated with number of university for Degree and Diplomas like West Coast University in US, Pujab Technical University in India, AIEEEC in Africa, IFCO in United Kingdom and more
Our Mission
" To promote a flexible learning environment that brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world, changing lives, and helping transform organizations through Management and Technical Education thereby contributing to the welfare and advancement of human societies throughout the world."
Our Vision
Our vision is to create world class global leaders to match the expectations of the corporate management services - ISMTS is a student-centered institute that provides quality education with flexibility for working professionals to study at home or wherever and whenever possible, with innovative use of technology along with firsthand experience from experts and use it for intellectual, social, cultural, and economic thinking and development.
· Academic Excellence
· Holistic Personality Development.
· Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
· Team work and Leadership.
· Project work and systematic presentation.
· Problem Solving skills for innovative work culture.
· Ability to work under pressures from internal as well as external business factors.
Scholarship Scheme
International School of management and technical studies will offer via BSB Trust, approximately 150 International Scholarships to Overseas Students who embark on online as well as distance learning courses. The awards will be made on a competitive basis to those applicants considered by their departments to be the most outstanding.
All courses are assessed by examinations and the examinations are the same regardless of study pathway or language.
You apply for examination when you feel fully prepared. Simply register online through the virtual campus login three months before the exam is scheduled and choose the exam session, course, approximate location and mode. You will then be allocated to a virtual examination centre in your login, supervised by an invigilator or proctor appointed by ISMTS. If you need help in applying for an examination, please contact the School at
Online examination type is subject to you selection for courses you enrolled and subjects. It can subjective, objective or case studies based. In some courses we have open book examination which is depends on your mode of education you have taken. ISMTS reserves right to change mode of examination at anytime.
International Internship
Internship is mandatory part of technical and semi technical program. School had already placed 1078 student in 2011 in UK, US and India.
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