A phlebotomist usually works in a hospital, clinic or health care center. The main job of a phlebotomist is to extract blood from patents for performing experiments and tests. Those of you interested in applying for phlebotomy jobs in Illinois need to know that employers usually don’t require you to possess a certificate in phlebotomy.
However, that varies with employers as some would expect you to have a minimum of few years and proper certification. Normally, employers expect a phlebotomist to have completed their high school diploma along with some experience. Few employers help their employees to get some formal training or certifications.
Basic Requirements for Phlebotomist in Illinois
Like mentioned above, a phlebotomist main qualification is to have completed your high school diploma or GED. In the sense secondary school students who want to become phlebotomists might want to take clases in biology, health, and English. Having excellent communication skills is very important as far as a phlebotomist is concerned.
Since your work involves extracting blood, many young patients or even aged people might be apprehensive about the procedure. This is when your communication skills with come to play. You will have to reasure them and talk to them nicely to divert their mind from the procedure.
Knowing few languages like French, Spanish, and Portuguese is essential in this field. Your job prospects increase when you are bilingual and have excellent communication skills. Though many healthcare centers don’t expect their phlebotomist to have prior training, it is always better to be on the safe side.
One of the best training institutes in the state of Illinois is the Moraine Valley Community College. The Moraine Valley Community College is located in Chicago and offers the best phlebotomy training program. The best part about the college program is that you can complete your phlebotomy certification course in two semesters when you do it part time.
This means that you can complete the phlebotomy certification course along with your job. This ensures that you aren’t wasting your time searching for a job during your certification course. Another place which might interest you is the American Society for Clinical Pathology, which is also located in Chicago.
To enroll yourself in this phlebotomy certification course, you will have to be a high school graduate and have at least one year work experience. Another condition is that you should have worked in a clinical laboratory that comes under the regulations of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
If your healthcare center or clinical laboratory has not been accredited with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), then you can apply for your phlebotomy certification that is within the previous five years of applying for certification. So, remember that with a high school diploma or GED you can try to enroll yourself in either American Medical Technologists, American Association of Bio-analysts and the National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel.
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